April 2016

This past year seems like it has gone by so fast. As I reflect back I feel so much has happened. Last year in November the twins were placed in their adoptive home. Only a few weeks with one, two year old, Zion, and then Tino came into our home. 
In February is when I got the call that Zion’s birth mom had passed away and if I could bring him into the city so the social worker could take him and his siblings to the funeral. Zion at the age of two did not really understand and when I picked him up at the office I could tell he was friendly with his five older siblings. My heart was saddened when I saw the sad looking faces. The following week I asked the social worker if I could have a day or afternoon and bring all six children together and have a play date at the park. She agreed and we set a day to do this. They had a good time connecting with each other and asked if we could get together in April for Zion’s third birthday. I told them I would see what I could do. Zion left to his adoptive home the day before his third birthday and so I planned with his adoptive mom a few weeks later to join us at the park where we had all the siblings together. This time we  had some time at the park but also went out for pizza. I pray for these five older children and that God would find a special family for them. The five are placed in three different homes and ages 5-16 years. 

Now Tino is the only foster child in my home and he turned two years in February. He has microcephaly which means he was born with a small head and brain. He is very happy and loves people. Physically he cannot walk, talks like a 5-6 month old and he keeps growing and gaining weight. I am not sure how long I will be able to care for him as my back will not  handle me carrying him as he gets bigger. There is a great need for people that have a heart for foster children. Praying for a children’s home that not only takes care of children with special needs but also would be open for some hours during the day for children to come whose parents might need a break. When I think about Tino staying in our home for long term then I can see we will soon need a ramp and a wheelchair for him. Praying for God’s perfect will in his life. 

Thank you for joining us in prayer. I am seeking God’s perfect will in the future of the many children with special needs. 

Cory started eleventh grade this year through Calvary On Line. He is enjoying his studies and he still enjoys a good game of soccer. 

Thank you once again for your love, prayers, and support. 
We thank God for the rain that is coming down right now. We have had a very hot and dry past few months.