How time flies when you get busy. God has provided help with Denisha and I thank Marisol for her faithfulness in coming to help even when she is not asked to help. She is the type of person who can walk into my home and see what needs to be done and helps out. She was also the one that could see I was not getting enough rest at night and offered to take Denisha for a night so I could get a full nights rest. The social department has offered to pay a respite worker to take Denisha for two days and two nights a week. This gives me more personal one on one time with my eight year old son Cory.
We were asking for prayer concerning the last court hearing for Cory's adoption so he would be able to go to Canada with me for some special events happening. That did not happen but we have found a family where he can stay while I go for two weeks. God has provided for me to go back home for the special event of my sister's baptism, niece's wedding as well as the celebration of my parent's fiftieth anniversary.
The last two months we have been busy in training the respite workers and trying to get as much school work done as possible hoping to get third grade done before summer.
Please pray for Cory and Denisha during the two weeks I am gone (June4-18th)
For our friends as they care for Cory and for Marisol and the Lohr family as they care for Denisha.