November 2016
As some of you know, I have been praying for the past year about taking a sabbatical. I
have been on the mission field since Brian and I were married 1998, first in Baja California,
Mexico and then for the past 12 years in Belize. A lot has happened in these years and it
felt like it was time to take an extended break to be refreshed spiritually as well as
physically, to spend some quality time with Cory, and also with my family, especially with
my parents while they are still with us.
So here we are in Winkler, Manitoba. Cory and I arrived on October 5th and have already
enjoyed celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving and my Mom’s 79th birthday with our family.
While we are here in Winkler, God has blessed us with our own little two bedroom
basement suit and the use of a car. Cory is managing to keep up with his Grade 12 studies
through Calvary On Line. He’s also doing lots of reading, visiting family and friends, and
trying new things such as the local youth group.
On December 30th we will fly to southern California to attend the Calvary Chapel
Missions conference in Murrieta from the 2-6th of January. After that we will have a few
weeks in the Sacramento and Chico area visiting more family and friends before returning
home to Belize.
It is amazing to stop and look back over these years and see all that the Lord has done. In
2004, after 6 years of serving in Mexico, Brian and I followed the Lord’s call and moved to
Belize. Very soon Brian was teaching and mentoring Christian men who were hungry for
solid Biblical teaching, in our town of San Ignacio and also in Gales’ Point, where we drove
every weekend to teach at a small local fellowship. I had been caring for children in
Mexico, and before that in Canada, so I was thrilled when the Lord opened the door for me
to start caring for little ones in Belize.
After Brian went to be with the Lord in 2007 I knew that the Lord was calling me to stay
in Belize with our son Cory. I didn’t know how I would serve the Lord as a widowed
missionary but God had it all figured out and He kept bringing children who needed care
and love to our home. Over the years we have had many children stay with us, some for
many months and others for a few days or just overnight. The past couple of years have
been quite intense as we had 2 year old twin girls, as well as a 2 year old boy, living with us
for many months. Needless to say, they kept us running and on our toes! After these
children were moved to adoptive homes, Tino came to live with us. Tino was born with
micro-encephaly. He is now almost three years old, and with physical therapy is
progressing so that now he can now roll over and move around on the floor. He is a happy
smiley child who brings much joy to our home.
Whatever the need, or the situation, we welcome these little (and sometimes not so little)
ones into our home with open arms, give them clean clothes and a full tummy and above all
share the love of Jesus with them. And there are many days when, in the midst of taking
care of the children and doing housework or other chores, troubled women or young girls
come to our home looking for help, friends drop by seeking counsel, or just needing some
fellowship and a cup of coffee.
One thing I have learned is that in order to be ready to meet the demands of the day I need
to be spiritually fed daily. God is also showing me that I need to give all my cares to Him as
it is so easy to worry about the mother who is abused, or the children whose mother is not
mentally stable. I have to lift these situations up to Him in prayer and trust that He will
work them out in His timing and in His way.
I see a great need for a place for children with special needs if it were a place to stay or a
place for respite for those parents that choose to keep their precious child. Please join me in
prayer to see where the Lord would want this place to be and for workers that have a heart
to love on and care for children that need this special care.
Thank you for the love, prayer and financial support you have given us over the years. Cory
has started his senior year of high school and like most teenagers seeking to see what
direction God would have for him go in the coming years.
God’s special blessings on each one of you.