The past few months have been busy but also very exciting. In March we were able to obtain title for our property that the Lord has provided for us to buy. This place is still in this same area 1-2 miles from where we live right now. In May we found a Christian contractor to build a fence around this property. Last week Cory spent a few days with these guys helping with cement work and putting up the chain link fence. I was blessed to have these guys take an interest in showing Cory what he can do to help and teaching him how to mix cement. I will be posting pictures on my blog.
We were blessed with another baby the first week of June. She was a premature baby and weighing three pounds nine ounces. This is the first time for me to hold and care for a tiny one like this. I thought Ellie was super tiny when she came to us with one ounce under six pounds. This little one was not registered so did not have a name. She was placed in a foster to adopt home and when the social worker came to pick her up she wanted to know once I come back from my trip this summer if I would continue helping them with foster children. I did assure her I would be back and look forward to taking care of more babies for them.
Thanks to everyone for praying that Cory would get his visas to travel this summer. We are excited to tell you that he was granted a ten year visa to the states and four year visa to Canada. The first weekend of July we have our big family reunion and look forward to seeing as many family and friends as possible. If you want to get in touch with me please feel free to email (which I will check hopefully every few days) or call me at my parents 204 385-2096
We are leaving Belize on the 29th of June and spending three weeks in Manitoba, Canada. Then on the 20th of July we will be flying to Sacramento and spending two weeks in the Sacramento, Chico, and Alta area. We will be in Chico from the 21st to the 24th and we also have plans to be at my niece’s wedding reception on the 31st in Sacramento. If you would like to get in touch with us while we are there you could call us at Barry & Judi’s 530 894-2722. We are looking forward to going to Calvary Chapel Chico on the 21st. You have no idea how excited Cory is to listen to Pastor Sam live in church.
Once again I want to thank you all for your love, support and most of all your friendship. We are so very blessed to call you our friends!! We are in awe of how God has truly taken care of us and for His provision for each and every need that came up.
Looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can.