Time once again to let you know what's been going on in our lives here in Belize.
As you know from the recent prayer request I sent out for Denisha, she has been having many health challenges lately. On Sept 30 she had an EEG which showed that she was having very frequent small seizures which are causing increasing brain damage. The doctor has changed her medication to a very expensive prescription which thankfully social services have agreed to pay for. Then on Oct 7th she was admitted to hospital to have a procedure to remove scar tissue from her throat. She developed pneumonia in the hospital and they treated that but never did get the endoscope done.
Last Friday (16th) we were finally able to bring her back home. Unfortunately she was sicker than when she was admitted into the hospital. She is on antibiotics right now and we hope she will feel better soon!
I was saddened when I got the news that Denisha is still having seizures but I know God will use this for His glory and even if she does not get healed the way I would desire He will use this to continue to transform us more into His image. It is very hard to see her go through so much but I have come to terms with knowing that God loves her more then I do and He has complete control of her life and her healing. He could have taken her home to be with Him but He chose not to. Our God never makes mistakes so I know there is a purpose for Denisha to be here with us. He already has done so much in many people's lives through her. My helper Marisol went from being scared to even change her diaper to now being able to confidently and lovingly take over her care which gives me a much needed break and also allows me to spend more time with Cory.
It's also been wonderful to see how God is working in Cory's life through Denisha. He had to learn to trust God on a whole new level during the many trips we took in recent months to Belize City for her doctors' appointments. And he has become so much more comfortable around people with special needs and understands that they are God’s special people. He continues to love school and is really enjoying grade 4 especially history and science. He is still an avid reader and he really looks forward to getting his Club House magazines in the mail. There is still no word yet on when his adoption will be finalized although it should be soon.
I give God glory for the wonderful turn out for our third annual ladies retreat (the weekend of 18th -20th Sept). Our theme was “Be Still and Know that I Am God”. Many women were blessed by money that had been sent in memory of my mother-in-law and which was used to reduce costs of the retreat and also provided 'scholarships' to four ladies who otherwise could not have afforded to go.
Tuesday mornings I am now leading a Bible study with several ladies from the community on the book of Esther. Thanks to my sister Helen for her encouragement to do this study and also for the funds for the course DVD.
As you know, after Brian and I moved to Belize the Lord called us to begin a fellowship called Hillside Christian Fellowship. Six months after Brian's death Patrick and Deana McCusker moved from Portland, Oregon to Belize and felt the Lord calling them to serve as Pastors of the fellowship. As of July 1st the fellowship was re-named Calvary Chapel Cayo and moved from Santa Elena to San Ignacio. During this time of transition Cory and I have attended Hillside all the while praying that the Lord would guide and direct us and continue to use us in ministry.
Recently I felt the Lord lead us to begin attending Santa Elena Baptist church seeing that Hillside Christian Fellowship had closed its doors. It has been a good move for us both so far. I really enjoy their Sunday school and their main service for Sunday morning which is mostly singing and sharing of the saints. But I especially enjoy the Sunday night Bible study where we are currently doing a verse by verse study of the book of Mark. Marisol takes care of Denisha Sunday nights which frees up Cory and I to attend. Cory is enjoying making new friends there and has a renewed joy of the Lord back in his heart.