Many changes have happened and it is time to do the update again. First of all I want to thank you for words of encouragement and being prayer partners in what the Lord is doing here in Belize.
Cory has graduated and is looking for a full time job and seeing what God has for him. Please continue to pray for Cory.
Samaritans purse sent down 100 shoe box gifts to our church in May. They also gave us books to do a 12 week follow up study with the children. We had several students from different ages that were faithful in coming Sunday mornings to study God’s Word. We had a memory verse each week and we had several students that did memorize many of the verses but we had one that could recite the 12 verses without a mistake.
I had several little boys ages 6-8 that were working hard at changing their behavior. They wanted to please Jesus and no longer fight with their cousins, brother or fellow students in school.
Jim and Kelly Wheaton came to stay with Cory and Tino when I had to go back to Canada for my week orientation with Global Outreach Mission. I had a super special time meeting other missionaries and servants that serve missionaries.
While I was being refreshed, blessed and meeting new family Jim and Kelly took on the challenge of getting to know Tino who cannot talk and getting in some valuable time in with Cory my teenager.
After I got back we took a few days to spend on the beach in Placencia. There are many Mayan ladies that walk the beach looking for tourist to sell their crafts. They all see Tino and the know he is Mayan and ask me questions about him. This one lady in particular wanted to know if Tino would be able to walk. I told her I take him for therapy and that Lord willing I believe he will be able to walk some day. She asked if we believed in prayer and if she could pray for him. As you know I would not ever turn down prayer. She knelt down in the sand and started to pray for Tino. AS she got up she handed me this craft and said this was a gift for Tino. I was filled with such joy in this special gesture, I know God provides in His perfect timing.
As Tino is getting bigger he is getting heavier. Please continue to pray that I would have the strength to care for him and not hurt my back.
AS I have mentioned in the past about our desire to start a home for children or adults with special needs. We are moving along with raising funds for Casa de Shalom and if anyone has questions please feel free to email me. WE have selected some of the Santa Elena Baptist church members as the local board.
We are so blessed that Graeagle Community church has taken on being the board for us in the USA. There are several options we have with buying property. Could be anywhere from 30-50 thousand dollars. I know God already knows where this should be and I know He will provide the money for the place.
If you feel led to donate to help us get this home built please send money to:
Make checks out to Graeagle Community Church
Graeagle Community Church, PO Box 1208, Graeagle, CA 96103
Memo ; Casa de Shalom